What does Synergic Mean on a Welder?

January 29, 2020

3 min read

We often hear the word synergic when related to welding equipment, but what does it mean?

Synergic means the interaction of elements and parameters to form a single control.  Or to put it bluntly, single knob or button operation.


Telwin Technomig Synergic control

On a MIG -MAG welder this takes the form of a synergic graph or group of settings

performed by a professional welder in the factory. 

This synergic graph gives the optimum setting for a given thickness as performed on this machine.

The setting is usually controlled by one control knob enabling easy choosing. 

The main way it is displayed is as per metal thickness from 0.6mm up to a maximum the machine can amply perform.

Some machines ( like Fronius) may also allow you to adjust via voltage or wire speed only too. The great thing about this is that as you turn the voltage up the wire feed will automatically adjust to suit according to the synergic graph installed.

This single adjustment is really good and does enable quick selection of welding parameters but it has to be stressed that its only a guide.

GYS Synergic control

Programme Settings

To obtain the correct synergic weld graph you first need to tell the machine some basic settings. These include:

  • The grade of welding wire ( FE, ALSI, ALMG, CUSI3) etc
  • The Thickness of the welding wire.
  • The welding gas.

Once you have set these settings the correct synergic setting is displayed on the machine, you can then select material thickness and weld. 

The Magic of Trim

The welding parameters have been set by a professional welder, in his factory with his voltage, gas and wire, tuned to his welding technique.

If you weld the same as this welder then that ok no adjustment needs to be made but if you don’t then we need to be able to adjust this to suit yourself.

This is where the trim comes into play, this is usually a separate knob, but on some digital machines with only a single knob then this can be another setting.

The trim allows a percentage of voltage plus or minus to be selected. This is usually 5-10% but I have seen some machines with more.

The thing about the trim setting is that it’s not often explained.

The trim remember alters voltage, so if you turn it to -5%  what your actually adjusting is the voltage but what you would experience is more wire as less voltage means you blow off less wire.

If you selected +5% trim you would experience LESS wire speed from the synergic setting as you have increased the welding voltage.

What you have to remember when using trim is that plus actually means less!  The trim has an opposite effect and this can confuse people.

Synergic graphs differ from the make and even the model of the welding machine as they are set for the characteristics of each machine.

Correct machine setup is important

To set up a synergic welder first ensure that the inputted wire, gas and wire thickness are correct, this is a common problem and the reason we get lots of phone call about suspected faulty machines.


 Synergic control on a TIG welder

Fronius Synergic TIG settings

Synergic can apply to transformer MIG welders as much as inverter MIG welders and doesn’t mean the welding machine is better, it just means it may be easier to use. Synergic doesn’t mean it can weld aluminium or braze any better its just a programme.

Synergic Welding plus points

  •  On knob operation
  • Quick and easy selection
  • Optimum setting for each material
  • User friendly- minimum training required
  • Consistent welds easier to achieve 

Synergic Welding minus points 

  • Incorrect welding possible with wrong programme selection 
  • thickness selected might not be correct for application

Please read my other post in the series MIG/MAG Welding: How it Works as I discuss the different features starting with “what is dip transfer welding”.

We will also be discussing in the future how Synergic Pulsed welders are becoming a necessity in the modern bodyshop.








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