MOGAS Valves for Power Generation

Ball Valves Outperform and Outlast the Alternatives

MOGAS is well known throughout the power industry because they
solve issues that routinely plague power plants – leaking valves,
seat erosion, blown packing, and the inability to isolate critical
equipment – all of which contribute to significant heat rate loss
and safety concerns.

Download the catalog that explains how MOGAS ball valves:

  • Prevent leaks to atmosphere.
  • Resolves seat erosion.
  • Eliminates valve seizure.
  • Maintains absolute shutoff.
  • Avoids galled seats.
Get the MOGAS Valves for Power Generation Catalog Here

For more information about MOGAS Valves, contact Piping Specialties, Inc. Call them at 800-223-1468 or visit them at

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